Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010


Der Sommer geht zu Ende und 
ein erster Eishauch weht durch die Luft.
Acryl auf Acrylpapier und Struktursand
30 x 40 cm

3 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Ingrid,
    Wow, this work is very impressive...and melancholy. Very interesting materials. How long did it take to finish up? Take care not to catch a cold.
    Kind regards, Sadami
    PS. I apologize that once I mistook your name. But now, I will never forget it! Why? Once, our uni linguistics lecturer had the same name:)!

  2. Dear Sadami,
    thanks for your post :-). I did the drawing in carbon first, then added acrylic color and alltogether it took about 6 hours.
    Take care!
    Kind regards
    P.S. No need to apologize!

  3. interessante Materialien, besonders mit dem Struktursand finde ich sehr gut gelungen. sehr schöne Arbeit.
